Robert A. Heinlein
Our state-of-the-art solution allows you to change the spoken voice of audio independently of language, preserving style and emotion in a faster-than-real-time pipeline.
Our model can run in any commercially available hardware with minimum requirements and has been designed to work with anyone, using any microphone!
Our pipeline has been optimized to synthesize voice quicker than the audio inputs on widely available commercial GPUs.
We only require seconds of spoken audio from a person to make a copy of their voice.
Defining characteristics of the input audio, such as its style, spoken emphasis, emotion and timings get properly transferred into the target independently of the source speaker.
We designed this solution to work independently of the spoken language from the input and output speakers.
Our model is under constant improvement, come back soon for new demos and features!
Be it a company or individual, we offer personalized assistance in order to maximize your benefits and achieve our goals.